Beurre Blanc – This French Butter Sauce was Spot On

I can't believe after all these years of posting videos, I hadn't done a proper beurre blanc! Well, I guess I still haven't, if you take into account bit of cream we sneak in, as beurre blanc purists do not approve. That's okay; we'll just distract them by pronouncing it wrong.

They consider it "cheating," since adding cream helps you create a more stable base for emulsifying in cold cubes of butter. I don't get how that's a problem, unless the cream somehow ruined the taste of the sauce, but it doesn't, and you could argue it actually enhances it. I also think it makes for an even more beautiful color.

Cream, or no, the technique is not at all difficult. Once your wine/acid mixture has reduced by about 75%, turn your heat to low, and whisk in the butter a few cubes at a time. That's really it. By the way, feel free to use a saucepan for this. I used a sauté pan because it's easier to film in, but it does make the process a little riskier.

You can switch up the type of vinegar, or go with lemon juice; and the shallots can be switched out for garlic, or finely minced onion. Chives are nice in this, but many other herbs will work, such as tarragon; or chervil, if you're sexy. No matter how you pronounce it, or what ingredients you use in it, I really hope you give this easy sauce recipe a try soon. Enjoy!

Note: Yes, I can see there's a spot of sauce splattered on the lens during the final scenes. These things will happen. Just pretend it's not there. Thank you.

Ingredients for 4 portions Beurre Blanc:

  • 1/2 cup of white wine
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice, or white wine vinegar, champagne vinegar, herb-infused white vinegar, etc.
  • 2 teaspoons very finely minced shallots
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream
  • 4 ounces of cold unsalted butter (1/2 cup or 1 stick), cut in one-inch cubes